Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Other Church

Each week the Fria church has a Bible study, prayer meeting, choir practice and vespers that are all held on the front porch of “the other church.” This place actually was used as the church before the new one was built outside of town. Looking at the picture above you can see that it is actually a house; currently a family, who are members of the church, lives there. The front room (which extends the length of the porch) has been enlarged to allow it to serve as a small sanctuary. Because the house is in town it is a lot more convenient to meet there, which is why the new sanctuary is generally only used on Sabbath morning.

On Friday evening, the first day of the new year, the church had a special communion service and agape feast to bring in the new year. This was a wonderful time of reflection on the blessings of the past year and starting out the new one on the right foot. About forty people, members and non-members, filled the old sanctuary and took part in the service. As I took part and reflected on the year I couldn’t help but see God’s leading in my life quite distinctly. As I see His hand at work in my life more and more my faith in Him is growing more and more. It is a joy and a privilege to serve a living God who plays an active role in my life.


  1. Glad you are enjoying your time. It's amazing when one can see God's hand working... You are in my prayers! Can't wait to here more stories about your spiritual growth!

  2. Love you! Glad to see a glimpse of your life. Keep doing great work. Can't wait to see you again!
